Tuesday, March 3, 2015

2-8-15 Orks vs Grey Knights (Cut short)

My first stab at an Ork mechanized army and Greg’s 1st fielding the Grey Knights. Game on!

As the Orks elected to go first, they advanced and the Lootas opened up with their Deffgunz on the Dreadknight, causing 2 wounds. The Dreadknight retaliated by Deep Strike special moving behind them and murdered 3 of them in shooting before assaulting and causing them to flee in terror.

The strike squad and Dreadnought opened up on 2 Trukks causing wounds and Crew shaken, but no explosions.
As turn 2 opened, the 1 remaining Loota stopped running but failed to penetrate the Dreadknight’s armor. Meanwhile, the Ork’s vehicles proved their worth. As an opener, the Battlewagon tank shock rammed the Dreadnought, shaving off a hull point and causing immobilized (the Ork boyz’ follow up assault would destroy it, causing 1st blood).

Charging from their Trukk, a band of Ork Boyz with their Nob assaulted the Dreadknight and glanced him, losing only 5 to his counter assault and mob rule. I would afterwards forget that the Nobs’ Power Klaws punch through the Knight’s armor save, and he would survive to the end of the game.

Meanwhile, the last Trukk full of Boyz failed their assault on the strike squad (I forgot the ‘Ere we go rule), and Da Vulcha Skuad deep struck in and shot 2 Strike Squad members.

As turn 2 for the Grey Knights began (and sadly our time for the game ended), the Librarian Terminator squad deep struck in next to the Battlewagon and targeted the nearby Ork Boyz with Psychic Shreik, killin’ one.

The strike squad fired on the Stormboyz killing 2, and the Dreadknight again survived the Nob’s Klaw (again, forgot the AP2).

Final score: tie game 1:1 (first blood and 1 objective)

Final thoughts: I really like the Ork Mechanized army option- our first battle was a long footslog across a huge table with little cover against Eldar and this was a great step forward for me. From my first impressions, getting Orks into the assault is the only way to win engagements, and the only way to do that quickly is with vehicles, of which Trukks are the cheapest. 

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